Meet One of the First Legal Psilocybin Therapy Facilitators in Oregon
Oregon made history on January 1st, 2023 by becoming the first state to legalise psilocybin-assisted therapy for adults. We had the opportunity to interview one of the first legally trained psilocybin facilitators in Oregon. Read about Sarah’s thoughts on legal psilocybin therapy in Oregon, her personal story, and her psilocybin therapy practice.
By Milica Radovic Mandic
Psilocybin-assisted therapy is acclaimed as a promising method to assist individuals in managing various health conditions, including substance abuse, PTSD, and terminal diagnoses. Advocates assert that psilocybin can also contribute to a general sense of well-being. They emphasise the growing research endorsing the therapy's effectiveness and safety. Oregon was the first state to legalise psilocybin-assisted therapy, and it will serve as a foundation for other states and the rest of the world.
Sarah, one of the first legally trained and licensed psilocybin therapy practitioners in Oregon, has over 25 years of experience with plant medicine and psychedelics. Sarah had an unconventional journey in life. Raised in a community that did not prioritise women's education, Sarah defied societal expectations and chose a different path. Through therapy, plant medicine, and personal growth, Sarah mended her family relationships with psychedelics, establishing open communication with her mother and reconciling with her late father. Eventually, she found solace and support in psychedelic communities, becoming an advocate for plant medicine.
She believes that each person has their own inner healer, and psychedelic work is not a quick fix for problems. Sarah offers psilocybin facilitation sessions for individuals, groups, next-gen leaders, and their teams. Her emphasis with clients is on personalised psychedelic journeys, emphasising pre- and post-journey support. Sarah's core values include loving kindness, alignment with the medicine, consent culture, and ethical practices.
Sarah was a part of the InnerTrek program, one training company approved by the state. Here is what she had to say about the process of becoming a certified licensed psilocybin therapist in Oregon:
“To become a licensed psilocybin therapist in Oregon, one must attend an Oregon Health Authority (OHA) and Higher Education Coordinating Commissions approved psilocybin facilitation training program. The Oregon model is not medically based, and the only OHA requirement is that facilitators have at least a high school diploma. Training programs may have additional requirements for students. Upon successful completion of an approved facilitator training program, a person may apply for a license through OHA. They must pass a written test, a background check, and pay an application fee and an annual license fee.
It is too early to talk about the wider impact and results of psilocybin therapy in Oregon, but there are some good indications even now. For example, Oregon was the first to create specific rules for practitioners, which will serve as a baseline for other regions. Sarah believes that Oregon's psilocybin program will be the catalyst for nationwide state-level psychedelic policy reform:
“This is a complex landscape as there are many stakeholders including underground practitioners, Indigenous peoples that have fought to keep plant medicine ceremonies and their traditions alive, bio-scientists and researchers, entheogenic churches, policy makers, psychonauts, mental health professionals, and more. What is clear is that Oregon’s psilocybin program has been a catalyst for nationwide state-level psychedelic policy reform. Psychedelics are not a cure-all and will not be the solution for every person, and every person should have safe access, and as I nation, it is my deepest hope this is where we are headed.”
Safety measures are put in place to meet the standards of psilocybin-assisted therapy. Sarah states that trust and transparency are key to building a safe environment. Building trust is integral, and working in pairs and groups of facilitators is essential. Sarah's top priority is to provide a safe space where her clients feel comfortable to explore within:
“This is another complex topic as safety related to psychological states, physical and emotional wellbeing for both the client and guide/facilitator must be taken into account. Building trust is integral as is transparency, working in pairs and groups of facilitators is key. To be a fully present guide, I need to have all of my needs met before going into ceremony or sessions. To care for other’s I must take deep care of myself.
The most impactful healing sessions I have personally experienced were in spaces I felt safe, held, and accepted. As I mentioned before, it is imperative that the client-guide relationship be founded on trust and transparency before embarking on a medicine journey. I work to empower my clients to trust their inner healer and work to hold space for any and all emotions that may surface during our work together. My top priority is to provide a safe space where my clients feel comfortable to explore within.”
Sarah personalises the journey for each client and may incorporate other elements such as sound healing. She spends a minimum of three hours learning about clients' needs, goals, and lifestyles in preparation and a minimum of three hours of time post-journey, working to integrate the lessons and experiences into their day-to-day life:
“I work with a variety of folks. Not everyone is seeking to overcome a challenge, some are working to vision the next steps of self-actualisation, building their dreams, and to love more. I have services specifically for next generation founders and leaders, this is a particular passion of mine. I also work with folks with religious trauma, major depressive disorder, treatment resistant depression, anxiety, and complex trauma.
Intentions are the clients’ to define and each person has their own wants and needs. I listen intently and ask thoughtful questions about their experiences, challenges and goals. This is their journey and experience to define.”
“Psilocybin is not a cure-all. It is a powerful tool that can be incorporated into one's journey. I recommend folks do some journaling about why they want this particular medicine before contacting a guide or facilitator. This medicine works best for those that can be honest with themselves about how they take part in their life and are ready to do the work for the changes they seek. And finally have a budget for this work. From what I understand individual sessions at a legal service center will be no less than $3,000 with all taxes and fees included.”
Sarah is currently taking clients on a waitlist. Book a 30 minutes consultation HERE.