Who Should You Avoid Taking Mushrooms With?


Taking mushrooms can be a profound and transformative experience, but it's essential to choose your company wisely. The people you share this journey with can significantly impact your overall experience. Here are some individuals you should avoid taking mushrooms with:


Individuals in a Poor Mental State

Avoid taking mushrooms with people who are currently experiencing high levels of stress, anxiety, emotional distress, or emotional instability. Their mood swings and emotional volatility can negatively affect the group and the overall experience. Psychedelics can amplify emotions, and being around someone who is struggling can lead to a challenging and unsettling trip for everyone involved.

Individuals with Mental Health Issues or on Certain Medications

People with a history of severe mental health conditions, such as schizophrenia or bipolar disorder, or those taking medications like antidepressants or antipsychotics, should avoid psychedelics. Psychedelics can exacerbate these issues and lead to dangerous interactions. It is crucial to prioritize mental health and safety, ensuring that the experience does not cause harm.

First-Time Users

It's best not to take mushrooms with people who have no prior experience unless you are experienced and can guide them safely. First-time users may not know what to expect and could have a more intense or confusing experience. Having an experienced guide can help navigate the journey and provide reassurance and support when needed.

Impaired Individuals

Avoid taking mushrooms with anyone who is already under the influence of alcohol or other drugs. Combining substances can complicate the experience and lead to unpredictable behavior, increasing the risk of a negative or dangerous situation. A clear and focused mind is essential for a safe and meaningful psychedelic journey.

Unprepared or Irresponsible People

Taking mushrooms with those who have not taken the time to educate themselves about the effects and risks of psychedelics can create a risky environment. It's important to be with people who respect the substance and understand the importance of preparation and setting. Irresponsible behavior can lead to unsafe situations and detract from the overall experience.


Taking mushrooms with people you do not know well can be risky. Trust and understanding are crucial for a positive experience. Being around familiar and supportive friends can provide a sense of security and comfort, which is important during a psychedelic trip.

Aggressive, Boundary-Disregarding, or Judgmental Individuals

Avoid taking mushrooms with anyone who has a tendency toward aggressive behavior, those who do not respect personal space and boundaries, or individuals who are judgmental or skeptical about psychedelics. These behaviors can create dangerous situations and disrupt the safety and positivity of the experience.

Negative Influences

Individuals who are dismissive, negative, or unsupportive, or who you perceive as having a generally bad vibe, should be avoided. Their attitude and energy can significantly impact and potentially harm your overall experience. Being around positive, supportive people is crucial for a beneficial and uplifting journey.

Authoritarian or Controlling Figures

Avoid taking mushrooms with people who hold positions of authority over you, such as employers or teachers, or those who may try to control the experience by imposing their own expectations. Both situations can create an uncomfortable and disruptive dynamic, preventing you from fully relaxing and engaging with the experience.

The Importance of Set and Setting

In addition to carefully choosing your companions, it is essential to consider the set and setting of your psychedelic experience. "Set" refers to your mindset going into the experience, while "setting" refers to the physical and social environment. Ensuring that you are in a positive mental state and a safe, comfortable environment can significantly enhance the benefits of psilocybin mushrooms. The right setting can promote feelings of safety, connectedness, and openness, which are conducive to a meaningful experience.

Preparing for a Positive Experience

Preparation is key to a positive psychedelic experience. Educate yourself about psilocybin, understand its effects, and approach the experience with respect and intention. Discuss boundaries and expectations with your companions beforehand to ensure everyone is on the same page. Having a trip sitter, someone who remains sober and can provide support if needed, can also be a valuable addition to your group.

Aftercare and Integration

After the experience, take time to reflect and integrate the insights gained. Discuss your experiences with your companions and consider journaling or engaging in creative activities to process the journey. Integration is an ongoing process that helps solidify the benefits of the experience and incorporate them into your daily life.


Choosing the right company for a psychedelic journey is as important as the preparation and setting. Surround yourself with supportive, positive, and like-minded individuals to ensure a safe and meaningful experience. Remember, the goal is to create an environment where everyone feels comfortable, respected, and free to explore their inner world. By being mindful of who you take mushrooms with and taking the time to prepare properly, you can maximize the potential benefits and minimize the risks of your psychedelic journey.


Learn everything you need to know about magic (psilocybin-containing) mushrooms through our self-paced online course. 10+ hours of educational materials and conference recordings from industry experts from MAPS, ZENDO, CIIS, and more.


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